About Me

My name is Annabel and I am 27 years old. I was born and raised in Germany, but in the past 10 years I have lived in many different countries (USA, England, Belgium, Malta). Since 2019, I have been located in Oslo in Norway, and in Heppenheim in Germany. I speak German, English and Norwegian, as well as a little bit of French and Spanish.

I am passionate about people and my efficient work ethic has proven to be helpful in many different work areas. However, I enjoy working with social and environmental projects the most. In my free time, I like to garden and spend time in nature.

I love reading all kinds of books and co-founded the German and international bookclub “Literat” in 2018.

Photo: Petra Löw

Educational Background & Work Experience

I am lucky to have been able to study and work with a multitude of different universities and organisations. My strength in interdisciplinary work enables me to adapt to a variety of contexts.

Ecological Survey Techniques

University of Oxford, England


This PGCert enables me to use quantitative methods in an ecological context. I work with GIS to collect data about ecological habitats, specifically for ecosystems relating to mammals, reptiles and fish. The main focus of the course is ecological data collection and methods. This builds a foundation of my knowledge in natural science related fields.

Development, Environment & Cultural Change

University of Oslo, Norway


My master’s degree in Development and Environment has shaped my ability to understand and create interdisciplinary perspectives. Instead of viewing issues as solitary, I connect fields with each other. In my master thesis, I explored different stakeholder perspectives of the conservation project “The European Green Belt” in Germany. I conducted qualitative research including semi-structured interviews.

Culture & Economy
(English & Business)

University of Mannheim, Germany


My bachelor’s degree in Culture and Economy has enabled me to find the connection between cultural awareness, knowledge and research, and economic structures such as marketing, management and accounting. I have particularly studied English linguistics, American literature, and cultural business strategies. In my bachelor thesis, I explored the feeling of “home” in international people in American literature.

Project Leader

In my previous work, I have gained extensive experience as a project leader of local and international projects. This has enabled me to see implementations on different scales. I have worked both with multicultural teams, volunteers and youth. Additionally, I have developed activities that can be transferred to other contexts, arranged large-scale events, worked with media, as well as writing and managing grant applications.

Research Coordinator

As a research coordinator, I have managed both established research groups and recurring seminar series. This involved reaching out to different academic communities, event management, conducting literature research and working with different funding opportunities. My main areas of research have focused on nature conservation and restoration, cultural landscapes and impacts of conservation on different communities.


In 2018, I co-founded the non-profit organization "Literat."

Literat is a German and International bookclub that focuses on creating social impact through reading. We aim to bring people from different backgrounds together and encourage the discussion of relevant topics such as gender, climate change, pop culture and social change.


Find out more about Literat.

FINA Award

French Institute Nordic Award 2020

In 2020, I was awarded the French Institute Nordic award for young researchers working in green fields. As part of this, I gave multiple presentations and talks about my master research project with my co-awardees from other Nordic countries. Additionally, I participated in the 2021 IUCN World Nature Congress. 

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