
Bålprat is located in Bydel Bjerke in Oslo.

Bålprat is an umbrella organization of a group of engaged volunteers in Bjerke bydel who want to contribute in the creation of better conditions for the community development.  This work has the premises to work in close dialogue with the local government, other local community initiatives and companies with the objective to create social capital and sustainability.  
Bålprat wants to contribute and be part of the solution by giving content and life to these new spaces. 

Bålprat, through their project INK, believes that a common kitchen is the perfect place to build community bonds by having fun, and creating long-term and environmental sustainability by producing and eating healthy.  A common kitchen can lead to food system change and empower the local community to shape their local environment in a sustainable way, by adding value to raw products from local urban farming and systematizing waste management with community members’ involvement. 

Bildungswerk der Hessischen Wirtschaft

The eudcational institution in Hessen, Germany, provides educational, vocational and professional training to a diverse range of stakeholders, such as youth, and refugees.

The educational institution BWHW is located all over Hessen, Germany.


Estel propose urban strategies to improve people's habitat,
incorporating citizen cooperation in the processes of reflection,
transformation or design of public space.

Estel is based in Bareclona, Spain.

Museene i Akershus

MiA is a museum collective in Oslo, Norway.

Linderud gård is a historic farm and garden. Today, it is also part of a local community garden, Linderud nærmiljøhage.

MiA supports social and environmental organizations in Linderud with a focus on regenerative agriculture.

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